Step 1 to become a member is to complete a Firearms Licence Application form (PD303) and submit at your local police station as you do have to have a licence to become a member. These are available at the club or on the SAPOL website. .
Step 2 come in and see us! While your application is being processed by SAPOL come in and have a look around and talk to our friendly members with any questions you have. While you are there pick up a membership application which are available from the Committee at the clubrooms (Sunday morning and Wednesday nights). Our paperwork requires 2 referees and a section signed by a JP.
Step 3 you will need a NPC to join. If you do not have a National Police Check less than 12 months old you will need to apply for one (at your expense). The form for this is included with our membership forms or online at:
(right hand side quick links)
Step 4 bring your SAPOL 'Permission to train" letter, NPC and your Membership Application along with Application and Training fee then we can assign a trainer and get you started on the process of getting your Licence. Training takes between 8 to 12 weeks and covers all aspects of shooting safely.
Step 5 Complete your training !
Noarlunga City Pistol Club
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